Matching Christian Music Lyrics to Scriptures

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    Show All Songs​

    Use “Show All Songs” to see a list of songs in the database that have been examined by the scriptures. Any songs not reviewed are waiting to be researched.

    Find A Song
    Use “Find A Song” to search for a song and display all the scripture references for each lyric, music video and lyric video links, and a percentage of how often the song lyrics can be found in each book of the Bible. This is a great tool for worship leaders to use to find songs relevant to the sermon, for a Bible study group to listen to before diving into the Word of God, or to find songs that you’d like to add to your playlist that is backed by Scriptures.
    Find Lyrics

    Use “Find Lyrics” to search the database for song lyrics that match a book and chapter of the Bible.

    Insert Song
    Use “Insert Song” to submit new songs into the database to be researched.